The importance of comprehensive insurance: Understanding what's included

Comprehensive insurance is the way to go when you need maximum assurance of your car's safety. Also known as Owner Damage (OD), this insurance is only for cars and provides protection against non-collision incidents that can lead to damage or loss.

What is Comprehensive insurance?

Comprehensive insurance is an optional addition to your car insurance. This essentially means that it does not come pre-included in your car's regular insurance. Its main feature is that in addition to protecting you from third-party liabilities, it also protects you financially from incidents that do not occur due to collision.


What does Comprehensive insurance cover?

Comprehensive insurance covers a wide range of risks, typically the following:

Theft: If your vehicle is stolen, comprehensive coverage can help cover the cost of its replacement or repair.

Vandalism: In the event of intentional damage to your vehicle by someone, comprehensive insurance can assist in covering the repair expenses.

Fire: Coverage for damages caused due to fire, self-ignition or explosion.

Natural Disasters: Damages caused by natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, or tornadoes.

Falling Objects: Vehicles damaged by falling objects like tree branches or debris.

Animal Collisions: Damages sustained by collation with animals.

Other additions might include –

  • Bumper to Bumper collision damage

  • Engine coverage which is engine damage during rainy days

  • Tyre cover

  • Gearbox cover

  • Loss of key

  • Loss of belongings from the car


Cost of the coverage

The cost of comprehensive coverage varies depending on several factors, including the model of the vehicle, its age, geographical location, etc. A lot also depends on the vehicle's Insured Declared Value (IDV) - the maximum amount insured set by the insurer and delivered in the event of theft or complete loss of the said vehicle.


Advantages of this car insurance

  • Provides the highest level of protection to your car

  • You sleep well knowing your car is safe in any situation

  • Coves damages that are non-collision related, hence caused by incidents not under your control or due to the car itself.


Disadvantages of this car insurance

  • Comprehensive coverage is an added cost because it is an addition to your general car insurance.

  • It does not cover damages caused by you as the car's owner.

  • For older vehicles with low market value, the cost of comprehensive coverage may outweigh the potential benefits.



Before you decide on anything, whether it is purchasing the insurance or going against it, be sure to weigh all the pros and cons for yourself!


To know more about comprehensive insurance, contact us on: +91 91634 29333 or write to us at:

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